I just got back from my trip to Palm Springs for Alt Summit. I’m working on a post to fill you in on all the amazing things that happened while I was there so stay tuned. In the meantime, though, I wanted to share some cowgirl vibes with you. I don’t know if it was the desert or the crazy number of cool hats that were floating around the conference perched above very fashionable heads or THE FACT THAT I AM GOING TO AUSTIN FOR SXSW NEXT WEEK! I mean, the fashion that was on display there was incredible. I still can’t get over a cool gal I met (hi!) who was wearing the most amazing shirt that had cats on the collar. Even the description doesn’t do it justice. I need this shirt in my life. Anyhoo, I was inspired to wrangle up (GET IT?!) some of my favorite cowgirl attire. I hope it inspires you to do a bit of yeehaw-ing yourself. xo

Topshop Devious Western Boots $190.00
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