I don’t know where this pic is from! I ripped it out of a mag years ago. If you know, let me know, and I’ll happily give credit!
Happy 2015! I hope y’all had an amazing last day of the year, and I hope this new year brings you joy, success, happiness and lots of lurve. I always like to reflect and make goals at the beginning of each year. I’ve heard of others doing the same. Here are a few of my hopes, dreams & goals for 2015.
1. Let go. Of lost loves, lost family members, lost friends. Ooph. Losing important people in your life is the absolute worst. Sometimes the void they leave in your heart is the loudest thing in the room. I’m all about being positive, and this is the year I do the dirty work to mourn, accept, let go and move on… in order to be a better me.
2. Get Movin’. Whether it’s signing up for Bar Method again (I LOVE BAR METHOD!) or just getting outside for a run, I plan to do something every day that gets me movin’. It’s not about losing weight. It’s about feeling good and confident in the skin I’m in. It’s also about taking advantage of the fact I have two legs and a healthy body, which I should love and appreciate!
3. Write more. I’ve LOVED doing this here blog thang! It’s been more fulfilling than I ever expected! It’s definitely sparked my want, no, NEED(!) to write more. I want to bust out the old journals and fill word doc after word doc with the stories that have been dancing in my head for years. I’m really excited to see what comes out of this goal in 2015.
4. Read more. Reading more helps me write more. I enjoy being inspired by others’ writing styles and adventures, and I’m looking forward to getting engulfed in many books this year. Yes Please and Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns)
are next on my list. (Because I LOVE these women.)
5. Travel more. 2014 was full of travel, but I want more! Moooore! I’d love to finally visit El Cosmico in Marfa, Texas and I really want to go back to Kauai. Amsterdam has always been on my travel list, along with Italy, Paris and Greece. Barcelona would be cool. Oh, and Palm Springs! I could go on.
6. Start and stay on a beauty routine. I’m all over the place. I’m in my thirties so I can’t play around anymore. I’d love to find a quick and easy daily routine that works for me. Any recommendations out there for a laid-back lady with dry skin? Eh? Eh?
7. Sleep more. Good lawd, I need to sleep more. And get on some sort of routine! I’m sure this would help the next one.
8. Become a morning person. I’m laughing as I type this. Yeah right! But I really want to, you guys! I know I could get so much more done if I woke up a bit earlier each day. You too? Here. Are. Some. Great. Tips.
9. Drink more water. Like, lots more. I think I’ll try Lauren Conrad’s tip.
10. Go camping! Scott and I have been talking about this for a while. He grew up camping on the regular, so I’d love to see him in his element. It would be nice to enjoy the quiet and stars too.
11. Get back to Texas more. I’m homesick more than ever these days! Most of my fam is in South Texas and the amount of time that’s passed since I saw them last is embarrassing. The same goes for my AMAZING friends in Texas. They’re scattered all over that great state, and I’d love to get back to visit each and every one of them. Hi guys!
12. Save money. Make money! Use my creative talents to become a big success! The struggle (and hustle) is real you guys, and this year is going to be a good one. I can feel it!
13. Keep blogging! I started blogging officially in October, and it’s already been such an adventure. I feel like I’m learning so much about myself. It’s a nice little challenge and push to make something every day. I highly recommend finding something that sparks your inner creative too! I’ll be changing the look of the blog this next month and playing around with what content I share. If there’s anything you’d love to see more of, please holler at yo girl!
Happy 2015!
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