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9 Spring Style Essentials Under $150 |

9 Spring Style Essentials Under $150

Scott flew to Austin for an emcee gig over the weekend so I spent some much needed time cleaning out my closet… my closet that has been absolutely terrifying for an embarrassing amount of time. I’m talking real Marie Kondo nightmare stuff. Like, it’s been so bad that I have had to push the huuuge pile of whatever was in there back in order to slide the door closed. Gross, right?!

I’ve really wanted to toss out everything and start over with some quality pieces that will last me through the season. But I also don’t want to drop a bunch of money on a new wardrobe since we’re saving for a wedding (I swear I’m working on the engagement post!) and house and honeymoon and Jake’s college fund and errrrthang else.

I’ve been searching the internets for some affordable spring style essentials that can replace the rifraf that’s been creepin’ in my closet. If you’re looking to do the same, check out my favorites below. P.S. These are affiliate links, which means I may make a commission if you click on one. Thanks, friends! Xo

1. A White Top

2. Go-To Denim

3. More Neutrals

4. A Colorful Dress

5. White Boots

6. Platform Sandals

7. A Midi Skirt

8. To Wear with These Sneakers(!)

9. Rain Boots

Because it rains in LA now apparently? What is even happening?