We made it, you guys! Another Friday is here to carefully escort us into the weekend. Check out the links below for my favorite internet gems of the week. Biiiieeeeeeyyyyyy!
Links I Lurve
Hi guys! Happy Friday! And happy early Valentine’s Day! Y’all know I’m excited to spend some holler-day time with my boo. This week has been a fun one being back in the swing of thangs. I found a ton of online goodies that I just couldn’t help but share with you. Enjoy the links, and enjoy your weekend. See y’all later!
- This sweet-arse bag by Emily McDowell. (Actually, I love everything she makes.)
- I love Kristen Wiig. Like, loooove. I want to be best friends with her (and Maya Rudolph, Amy Poehler, Melissa McCarthy, Sandra Bullock and Michelle Obama) and meet up for coffee to talk about boys, Bar Method butts and Pinot Grigio. (And like rocket science, the formula for sticky note glue or whatever else isn’t a stereotype.) I had an emotional reaction to Kristen Wiig’s amazing performance at the Grammy’s last Sunday. Of course, I love Sia too and would want her to join our girl gang. Her songs are just suuuuuh geeeeeewd.
- Owls. I think that’s all I have to say here.
- How cool are these Photoshop trends? I love the tattooed celebrity ones. (I would.)
- My parents used to have these reggae parties in the backyard. Because this is what happens when you grow up in Austin. I remember lots of party juice, cool shorts and Bob Marley music. It was great and I will recreate this one day. Reggae party anyone? This summer? Eh? Eh? This thing on? Ahem. Listen to this a cappella cover of Bob Marley’s Could You Be Loved.
- It’s a special thing when our president asks influencers to use their power to help end violence against women and girls.
- I am going to win a big trivia game at some point because I look at posts like this.
- I’m a geek and totally love this.
- Shots of the city, the color blue, those shades, those sneakers, lurve everything about this post from Damsel in Dior.
- I love the Dress Your Tech series on DesignLoveFest. These particular ones featuring Our Heiday are dreamy. Just gorgeous!
- My Virgo-ness is totally geeking out about these desk drawer must-haves from Cupcakes and Cashmere. Gold spray painted toy cat? Check.

My costume a couple years ago using my favorite Antho dress: Cat Out Of The Bag!
Happy Halloween! Welcome to the weekly Links I Lurve, where I feature my favorite posts from my favorite bloggers around the interwebs. This week is of course all about Halloweeeeeeen! Scott and I are about to go on a late hunt for costumes. Be sure to follow me on Instagram to see how our search turns out! Hope everyone has a safely ghoulish night. Now, enjoy these Links I Lurve:
20 corgis that want nothing more than to be out of these costumes via Dose
23 reasons why Hocus Pocus is the best Halloween movie of all time via Buzzfeed
Halloween hair via The Beauty Department
Tongue twister Halloween costumes via The House That Lars Built
Step-by-step guide to the Thriller dance via Hello Giggles
Blood Red Rosé Halloween cocktail via the Chalkboard Mag
Lauren Conrad wins at everything
How to create a Halloween costume with your makeup via The Zoe Report
Caramel apples, 3 ways via LEAF
Halloween playlists via Paste, Mashable & Apartment Therapy